After seeing Miss (or Mrs Cameron-I was about 5 years old) Buddie and I decided to run away. I guess dad must have whipped him for something. We seemed to stay in trouble a lot. Well, we had to make plans. I forgot to mention that, if Buddie lied, I swore to it! We were always good friends, especially when we were young.Any way to get back to where I was.
Buddie knew of a cave close to the creek where we could live and be happy.
NO MORE PROBLEMS WITH GROWN- UPS! We got busy and swiped food from the kitchen,-(what little there was)and stacked our clothes all in a little wagon. Now we were ready to go. The thought never crossed our minds about how little the wagon was or how little we had in it.
Next Buddie said the cave was to small for both of us so we had to dig it out more so we went to the cave and dug with our hands,-it was only sand but hard packed.
We put all our stuff in it and crawled in. After a while Buddie started talking about building a raft so we could go on down the river.(or creek whichever it was) But we would put it off until tomorrow.
So we went home to sleep. What about, 'all good plans of mice and men?'
Ours came to an end 'cause some one told on us and mom had a talk with us. She explained that we might get in the cave and the walls could fall in on us and smother us. We listened and never went back our first adventure place! But we were just getting started.
I'll go now and rest my two fingers; only one on each hand but i'm getting pretty fast! So i'll see you at miz micks place .
See ya'...
Sounds like fun! Someone (guess who) needed to be a little older! 'yuk"
what happened to "see ya"you mean me?do you think i was 7? i'm 79. could i have been mistaken? if so, fix it---please?
I meant me so I could go with you and Buddy to the cave.
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